The Nan Greenwood Medallion

The Nan Greenwood Medallion, Awarded to Winners of the Bred By Class at Specialties
In 1943, Nan and Fred Greenwood, of Lancashire, England bought their first Keeshond, Vandyquette of Vorden who they bred to Pieter of Evenlode. A puppy out of this first litter, Aalik, was bred to Zandi van Zaandam and produced WORTHY OF WISTONIA who became the foundation dog for Wistonia Kennels and from whom all Wistonia Kees descend. Worthy personified breed type and elegance and he had the look and temperament that the Greenwoods wanted to perpetuate in their breeding program.
Worthy was bred to several bitches and became the top sire in England for 1949, 1950 and 1951. The Greenwoods carefully linebred on Worthy and produced a succession of over fifteen generations of Keeshonden of outstanding quality. Worthy’s son, Eng. Ch. Winchell of Wistonia, was the top sire in England for 1952, 53, 54, and 55. By 1964, 38 Keeshonden bred or owned by the Greenwoods had acquired English Championships, of which 19 also gained American titles, and 4 gained Canadian titles.
In 1949, Porter and Dicky Washington imported Eng.Ch. Whimsy of Wistonia who became the foundation bitch for the Flakkee line. Whimsy became the top winning Keeshond in the US for 1949 and was the first Keeshond bitch to go Best in Show (BIS) in America. To this day, she is the only Keeshond bitch ever to place in the Non-Sporting Group at Westminster. Shortly after importing Whimsy, her former kennel mate, Eng. Ch. Wrona of Wistonia, joined her at Flakkee Kennels and was soon followed by several outstanding Wistonia males: Waarborg, Wylco, Worral, and the beautiful Eng/Am/Can CH.WROCKY OF WISTONIA, HOF, ROM who became the model for depicting the Keeshond Breed Standard. Wrocky’s show record was extraordinary: Shown only 36 times in the US and Canada, he won 35 BOB, 33 Group Firsts, and 18 BIS.
The Keeshond Club of America has seven Wistonia Kees in its’ Hall of Fame (HOF) and eight on the Register of Merit (ROM), of whom three are, also, ROMX. Wistonia bred Kees were Top Kees in the USA for 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, and 1955.
In 1964, the Greenwoods left England, with their Keeshonden, to settle in the United States; sadly, Fred Greenwood died shortly after arriving here. Relocating in Southern California, Nan valiantly carried on until her death in 1986. By then, over 100 Champions had been bred or sired at Wistonia Kennels.
Nan Greenwood’s object in breeding was “To create a recognizable strain of correct type, as per the Breed Standard.” She was a dedicated dog person - her dogs were her love and her life. Known for her integrity, Nan was ethical beyond reproach and uncompromising in her breeding standards.
It was because of Nan’s dedication to the breed, integrity in her breeding practices, and consistency in maintaining type, temperament, elegance, and quality, while adhering to the Breed Standard, that prompted the Keeshond Club of America to pay tribute to her memory with the Nan Greenwood Medallion. It is an honor to have won it.